Senior Winter Safety Tips to Talk About Now

Winter can still throw a lot of issues at seniors toward the end of the season, especially when it’s unpredictable and spring has not quite sprung. Staying safe in the cold and sometimes icy weather is so important and winter storm alerts can pop up with little warning. Senior home care providers can do a lot to remind seniors of these winter safety tips they need to follow.

Senior Home Care Midland Park NJ - Senior Winter Safety Tips to Talk About Now

Senior Home Care Midland Park NJ – Senior Winter Safety Tips to Talk About Now

Wear the Right Shoes

Seniors may not want to wear solid shoes with sturdy soles, but those are going to be their best bet for maintaining their footing in bad weather. Non-slip treads or anti-slip overshoes help as well. Even if seniors are just going from the house to the car, the right shoes help keep them warm and ensure they have the best traction possible.

Keep a Deicer on Hand

Salt works great on roads, but might not be the best option for pathways and patios. A deicing product that is safe for pets, wildlife, and plants helps to cut down on ice buildup on steps and pavers. Keeping this on hand reduces the likelihood that seniors slip and fall. These products tend to work best when used before the icy weather hits.

Use Railings, Assistive Devices, and Other Support

Railings are there for a reason. They offer stability and ensure that seniors can safely get up and down staircases, ramps, and other passageways. If seniors need assistive devices, they must use them safely. Home care providers can help aging adults remember to use these tools and to have them handy. Professional caregivers can also be there to offer mobility assistance if seniors need additional help.

Exercise for Leg Strength

Keeping their legs strong helps seniors maintain their mobility, especially during bad weather. Winter can be a great time for seniors to try new exercises indoors, where they’re safe and warm. Seniors should always talk with their doctors before engaging in new exercises to make sure that the activity level is right for them. If seniors are just getting started with leg exercises, the easiest is to practice standing up and sitting down for several repetitions in a row.

Avoid the Rush

Running around in a hurry is never a good idea for seniors when there are wintery conditions to battle. Seniors need to take their time and not let anything hurry them along. Senior home care providers can be there to offer encouragement and make sure that aging adults have the support they need on steps when getting in and out of cars, and while they walk on wintery surfaces.

Avoiding a fall or any other type of injury is always important, but it can be even more urgent during the winter months. Senior home care providers are there to focus on keeping seniors safe and comfortable as they go about their daily lives. Whether seniors are spending the majority of their time at home or they’re out and about, professional caregivers can help them stay safe and get the support they need.

If you or a senior family member are considering hiring Senior Home Care Services in Midland Park NJ, please get in touch with the caring staff at Caring Solutions Home Care LLC.

Providing in-home senior care, servicing Bergen & Passaic Counties. Call today at (973) 427-3553.

Pamela DelColle, RN, CCRN