Senior Home Care Draws Senior’s Information From Caregivers

There are always a lot of moving parts to keep track of when you’re caring for senior loved ones. If you have siblings or other family members that need to be updated on care plans, medical records, and other important parts of your senior loved one’s life it can be challenging to find effective ways to share that information.  It’s important to look at your current systems and see where you can make changes in order to improve the care that your senior loved ones are getting. Here are some tips from other family caregivers that may inspire you to try new ways of sharing information with other family members and you loved one’s senior home care providers.

Keep A Care Book

Senior Home Care Hawthorne NJ - Senior Home Care Draws Senior's Information From Caregivers

Senior Home Care Hawthorne NJ – Senior Home Care Draws Senior’s Information From Caregivers

Creating a personalized Care Book for each of your senior parents is a fantastic way to keep important information organized, shareable, and accessible. Using a large binder, some plastic sheet protectors, and some dividers you can create a comprehensive book that contains all important information.

There can be a section for contacts that has the names and addresses of all of the siblings and family members who should be notified if there is an emergency. And a section for insurance information and other important paperwork.

You can also add customized sections for medications, medical records, even a daily food log that a senior home care provider can fill out so you can make sure that your senior loved one is getting enough to eat. Keep the Care Book in your senior loved one’s home so that it’s easily accessible for the family members.

Go With A Group Text Chat

A group text is another easy way to share information about your senior loved ones with any siblings or family members. You can share videos, photos, and information and you can also do group calls or group video chats whenever there is something to discuss or you want to talk in person. Group texts are a very efficient way of communicating, as long as everyone is comfortable with a group text. Ask your siblings and family members about starting a group text or a group chat on social media.

Keep Everything Digital 

If you and your siblings are comfortable with technology you can do all your communicating and record keeping online. Using digital schedulers and note apps you can keep all the important records and information related to your senior parents’ care in the cloud or online so that you and your siblings can access it from anywhere.

Communicate with Everyone, Including Senior Home Care Providers

This is very convenient if you share caregiving duties with your siblings because you can easily share medical records, appointment reminders, and other information. Just make sure that if you are making all of your care records digital you give access to your senior loved one’s senior home care provider so that they can get the information they need and update your senior loved one’s information if necessary. It’s also a good idea to keep some hard copies of important documents in a safe and easily accessible spot too just in case you need to show a hard copy of a document instead of a digital copy.

If you or a senior family member are considering hiring Senior Home Care Services in Hawthorne NJ, please contact the caring staff at Caring Solutions Home Care LLC. In-home senior care servicing Bergen & Passaic Counties. Call today at (973) 427-3553.

Pamela DelColle, RN, CCRN
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