Personal Care at Home: Tips to Lower Your Senior’s Breast Cancer Risk

Does your elderly loved one worry they will get breast cancer? Maybe, they have a family history of this type of cancer. If that is the case, they can’t erase the history, but they can make other changes in their own life that can lower their risk of getting breast cancer. You and personal care at home providers can help them to make these changes, as well.

Weight Loss

Personal Care at Home Glen Rock NJ - Personal Care at Home: Tips to Lower Your Senior's Breast Cancer Risk

Personal Care at Home Glen Rock NJ – Personal Care at Home: Tips to Lower Your Senior’s Breast Cancer Risk

Studies show that those who are overweight do have a higher risk of breast cancer. If your elderly loved one needs to lose weight, there are numerous tips that can help them to do this. Some of the best things they can do include:

  • Replacing one unhealthy food with a healthier one
  • Drinking less caffeine
  • Eating smaller meals
  • Exercising regularly

Each one of these tips can help your elderly loved one to achieve a healthy weight. If needed, you and the personal care at home providers can help them to achieve their weight loss goals. This might include eating a healthy meal with them or going on walks with them.

Move Around Often With a Personal Care at Home Aide Encouraging Them

Just exercising once a day for a few days a week is great. However, people do need to move throughout the day, as well. Research shows that people have a much lower risk of breast cancer if they are active throughout the day, rather than if they live a sedentary lifestyle. It has to do with the way that cells regenerate and how the body fights off illnesses when it is more active. If your elderly loved one doesn’t move around a lot at this point, you or a personal care at home provider should encourage them to walk around while they talk on the phone with you. There are many other ways they can move around more, too.

Doing Regular Breast Exams

The tips above are great ways that your elderly loved one can lower their risk of breast cancer. However, it is still important that they do regular breast exams. If they do get breast cancer, catching it early gives the most options for treatment and beating the cancer. If your elderly loved one doesn’t know how to do a breast exam properly, you or a personal care at home provider should take them to their doctor, so they can be taught the proper way to do this.

These are some of the tips that your elderly loved one can use to lower their risk of breast cancer. While there isn’t a 100% guarantee that they won’t get this type of cancer, these tips can certainly help them to stay healthier and keep their risk as low as possible.


If you or a senior family member are considering hiring Personal Care at Home  Services in Glen Rock NJ, please contact the caring staff at Caring Solutions Home Care LLC. In-home senior care servicing Bergen & Passaic Counties. Call today at (973) 427-3553.

Pamela DelColle, RN, CCRN
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