Toilet Safety Tips for the Elderly

Unfortunately, there are many senior citizens who fall and get hurt while using the toilet. There are, however, many senior citizen toilet safety tips that can be presented to help your elderly loved one stay safer while they are using the toilet. If you aren’t sure how to help your elderly loved one with these things, you can book personal care at home services. These are home care providers who are trained in this type of care, so they can assist your elderly loved one.


One of the most important things for your elderly loved one when they are using the toilet is to feel comfortable doing so. For example, the more uncomfortable your elderly loved one is while going to the bathroom, the more fear they will have and the more likely they will be to fall. However, personal care at home providers encourage them to move as much as they can while accepting help when they need it. Often, this encouragement is enough to provide the support your elderly loved one needs to reduce safety issues while toileting.

Pulling Up

Personal Care at Home Ridgewood NJ - Toilet Safety Tips for the Elderly - Toilet Safety Tips for the Elderly

Personal Care at Home Ridgewood NJ – Toilet Safety Tips for the Elderly – Toilet Safety Tips for the Elderly

As noted, the personal care at home providers are trained in handling proper sitting and standing while seniors use the toilet. Since these are two of the times when seniors often fall the most, it is important that someone helps them. With this being said, it is crucial that someone doesn’t just pull on your elderly loved one as that can make them both off-balance, and then, each person could get hurt. The best way to handle sitting and standing are to have your elderly loved one pull up on the person helping them.

Offering Stability

The personal care at home services are also helpful because they offer the stability that your elderly loved one needs. These elder care providers are trained in stabilization techniques, especially when an elderly person is using the toilet. They will hold onto your elderly loved one’s trunk and hips, so they can stay stable while sitting down or standing up from the toilet. They will never pull on your elderly loved one’s legs or arms, as that could not only put them off-balance but could injure them, too.

Bending the Knees

There are many people who can’t properly lift an elderly person. If this is the case for you, it may be a good idea to get personal care at home services. The home care providers will bend their knees and use other training techniques to help your elderly loved one with toileting.

Hire Personal Care at Home Providers

Does your elderly loved one need help with toileting? If so, now is the time to get personal care at home services. The home care providers can help with any aspect of toileting from sitting down and standing up to wiping to proper lifting techniques. If you aren’t sure whether these services are something that your elderly loved one needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today.


If you or a senior family member are considering hiring Personal Care at Home Services in Ridgewood NJ, please contact the caring staff at Caring Solutions Home Care LLC. In-home senior care servicing Bergen & Passaic Counties. Call today at (973) 427-3553.

Pamela DelColle, RN, CCRN
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