Tips for Talking to Your Parent When You Are Concerned About Their Mobility Issues

Even though you have taken on the role of being a family caregiver for an elderly parent, you are still their adult child. This means it can be challenging to fulfill some of your care responsibilities, such as talking to them about new challenges and limitations you have noticed.


Homecare in Wayne NJ: Senior Mobility Issues

Homecare in Wayne NJ: Senior Mobility Issues


You don’t want to offend your parent or make them feel like you are trying to take over their life, but you also want to do what is best for them, including addressing issues that can be sensitive, such as noticing mobility issues. If you are concerned your aging parent has been experiencing increased mobility issues, sitting down for an honest conversation can be an important first step in helping your parent stay safer and more independent as they age.


Use these tips to talk to your parent when you are concerned about their mobility issues:


-Be straightforward with them. Don’t try to “tiptoe” around this situation. Instead, be straightforward and honest with your senior, showing them the respect of acknowledging them as an adult.


-Give them clear examples. Don’t just tell your senior you are concerned about them, or that you think they are struggling. Instead, give them specific examples of problems you’ve noticed, and the dangers they could be facing. This can help them to be more honest with themselves about what they are going through.


-Appeal to their emotions. Don’t just talk about their physical safety. Also, talk to your parent about how you think these dangers could impact both of you. Express your emotions, and how much you love your parent and want them to have a good quality of life as they age, which could be compromised by a fall or other injury.


-Offer immediate options. Rather than just telling them how worried you are about them, immediately follow your concerns with solutions. Talk about ways you can improve their surroundings, mobility aids that are available, and the value of home care.


Introducing home care into your seniors daily routine is not just about managing health issues, or making sure their personal care needs and activities of daily living are fulfilled effectively.
While these are important functions of this type of care, and in-home senior care services provider can offer your aging parent many more benefits. At its core, home care is about improving your seniors quality of life. An in-home senior care services provider can step in, to help your aging parent create the lifestyle that is right for them, and provide the assistance and support needed to pursue that lifestyle.

This can mean helping your parent to find activities in the community they enjoy, and encouraging them to pursue them, providing companionship and mental stimulation, and helping your parents stay active so they can find greater meaning in this chapter of their life.


If you or a senior family member are considering hiring  Homecare in Wayne, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Caring Solutions Home Care LLC.  In-home senior care servicing Bergen & Passaic Counties. Call today at (973) 427-3553.

Pamela DelColle, RN, CCRN
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