Caring Solutions December News

Heralding the Holiday Season, we are holding our annual toy drive to benefit the Center for Hope and Safety in Rochelle Park, NJ.  A safe haven for abused women and children.  We ask that new, unwrapped toys be brought to our offices between 12/1 through  12/13/18.



We are also holding our annual Christmas luncheon for the staff, on Fri. 12/14 at Justin’s Ristorante in Hawthorne, NJ from 12n-4pm.  There will be raffle prizes, good food, and fun for all!

Lastly, we would like to take this time to wish all of our dear clients, associates and social media friends and families, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, New Year.


Pamela DelColle

Owner/Director of Nursing

Caring Solutions Home Care



If you or a senior family member are considering hiring a Homecare in Hawthorne, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Caring Solutions Home Care LLC.  In-home senior care servicing Bergen & Passaic Counties. Call today at (973) 427-3553.


Pamela DelColle, RN, CCRN
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