Tips for Helping Your Senior Recover Effectively After Hip Surgery

Even before your aging parent goes in for their hip surgery to help them recover from a hip fracture, it is important for you as a family caregiver to be looking ahead to their recovery. Preparing in advance for their recovery gives you more confidence and enables you to put steps and plans into place that will simplify and streamline your care to maximize the effectiveness of their healing and help reduce the risk of complications as they heal.


Elderly Care in Paramus NJ: Recover After Hip Surgery

Elderly Care in Paramus NJ: Recover After Hip Surgery


Use these tips to help your senior recover effectively after hip surgery:


Encouraging your aging parent to give their body the rest it needs, but to resist the temptation to lay around in bed all day. They may feel tired, but it is important for them to get active as soon after surgery as possible, and gradually increase their activity to make their body stronger and promote healing

-Encourage your aging loved one to eat a healthy, balanced diet. This will give them the nutrients they need to maintain their energy, promote wound healing, and support a stronger, more resilient, and healthier body

-Ensure your senior’s home is properly prepared to promote healing and keep them safe. This includes removing loose floor coverings, decorative items that could get in the way, and other fall risks, rearranging furniture to make navigating their space easier, installing grab bars, and more

-Help your parent to stay compliant with their medications by offering reminders so they take their medications when and how they are supposed to. This will maximize the benefits intended by their doctor


Recognize that recovering from hip surgery is not a fast process.

Your senior will be able to leave the hospital within a couple of days, but it will take weeks to months for them to regain functioning and be able to return to normal life, and up to a year for a full recovery. It is important to stay patient and not try to rush your loved one, and also discourage them from rushing themselves. Encourage them to give their body the time it needs so they can properly rebuild their strength and stay safer and healthier while moving forward after their surgery

Home care is one of the best resources your senior can use while recovering from hip surgery. An in-home senior care services provider can be with your parent to help them through their recovery, managing tasks in their home so they can conserve energy, assisting with personal care needs, offering medication reminders, and providing other personalized services that help your parent focus on healing and moving ahead. These services are specifically designed with your aging parent in mind, meaning your loved one will get what they need, when they need it, with respect for who they are as an individual. As a family caregiver, knowing your parent has access to personalized home care can allow you to step back from their care, focus on other elements of your life, and still know they are getting what they need at all times.

If you or a senior family member are considering hiring Elderly Care in Paramus, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Caring Solutions Home Care LLC.  In-home senior care servicing Bergen & Passaic Counties. Call today at (973) 427-3553.

Pamela DelColle, RN, CCRN
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