Tips To Help Seniors Get Through Travel Delays

Travel delays are becoming more common these days. And while no one enjoys flight delays and cancellations and other travel hassles these types of events can be more than inconvenient for seniors. Seniors who have medical conditions that require management or seniors who have mobility challenges can be put in dangerous positions by travel delays. Their companion care at home aides can assist them through these situations.

There are some things that seniors can do to make sure that they will be ok even if their travel plans are delayed like:

Companion Care at Home Totowa NJ - Tips To Help Seniors Get Through Travel Delays

Companion Care at Home Totowa NJ – Tips To Help Seniors Get Through Travel Delays

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is key when it comes to travel. Seniors who are traveling should be planning trips as far in advance as possible so that they will be able to switch plans easily if something comes up that causes a delay. Although it’s not always possible to plan a trip far in advance for a vacation or something which isn’t time-sensitive seniors should start planning their trip at least a month in advance.

Get There Early

Seniors who are traveling should always plan on getting to the airport several hours ahead of time. That will give them time to get to the airport, find their gate, and make sure that the flight is still running on time. If the flight is delayed and seniors are already at the airport they will have a better chance of getting help. Travelers that are already in the airport can talk to gate agents and airline staff directly to get help with rebooking or finding other flights if necessary. And getting there early will give seniors time to get a snack and a drink and make their way to their gate without having to rush or worry about finding their gate.

Have A Backup Plan

Seniors that are flying should have backup plans in place in case there is a travel delay or a flight cancellation. For example, seniors should have a list of other flights on other airlines that they can book if their flight gets canceled. They should also have the number of hotels nearby in case they need a place to stay for a night if their flight is delayed overnight. If your senior loved one is going to be traveling and you can’t go with them make sure that they have paper printouts of things like hotel reservations, flights, and phone numbers in case their cell phone dies and they don’t have a charger. Or better yet make sure they make an additional charger in an overnight bag or purse.

Have Companion Care at Home Aides there

Seniors should have someone go with them to the airport whenever possible. If you can’t go with your senior loved one to the airport a companion care at home provider can go with them. A companion care at home provider can make sure that your senior loved one gets to the airport on time, checks in and manages their luggage, and gets on the plane on time. If there is a delay they can also help your senior loved one find a new flight.

If you or a senior family member are considering hiring Companion Care at Home Services in Totowa NJ, please contact the caring staff at Caring Solutions Home Care LLC. In-home senior care servicing Bergen & Passaic Counties. Call today at (973) 427-3553.

Pamela DelColle, RN, CCRN
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